most important welding question paper weldingtheory

 1. Which is less susceptible to arc blow ? 

 a. AC b. DC c. both d. none of these 

2. Melting point of Copper 

  a. 1030°C b. 1082°C c. 1083°C d. 1063°C 

3. What type of distortion is likely to be caused if two plates are welded to form tee ? 

 a. longitudinal b. transverse c. angular d. none of these 

4. Which type of blow pipe is used with DA? . 

 a. injector type b. non injector type c. both d. none of these 

5. Acetylene gas is stored in the cylinder in the form of 

 a. liquid b. solid c. gaseous d. none of these 

6. Name the general purpose brazing flux 

 a. Borax b. Acidic c. Basic d. none of these 

7. What type of Copper is best suitable for welding 

  a. copper b. copper alloy  c. de-oxidize copper d. none of these 

8. Flame used for gas welding of Brass 

 a. Neutral flame b. oxidizing flame c. carburizing flame d. none of these 

9. What is the color of aluminum ? 

 a. white b. silver gray c. silvery white d. silver 

10. Which is easier in Aluminum to 

 a. solder b. welding c. brazing d. a & b both 

11. 5G position in pipe welding contains 

 a. alt the four position b. except flat position c. except vertical position d. except horizontal position 

12. Size of weld machine is determined by 

 a. output voltage b. output ampere c. input voltage d. input current 

13. Minimum voltage required for establishing arc in DC machine ? 

  a. 30 volts b. 40 volts c. 60 volts d. 70 volts 

14. In arc welding, the thicker the plate, the _______ the current needed. 

 a. lower b. higher c. same d. both a & b 

15. The type of electrodes that are most . prone to the danger of moisture pick up is 

  a. Retile coated b. basic coated c. cellulose d. none of these 

16. The position in which it is easiest to weld 

  a. flat b. vertical c. horizontal d. a & b both 

17. The density of slug is _____ than that of moiten iron 

  a. less b. more c. same d. none of these 

18. Under cut is caused by 

 a. excess current b. excess voltage c. low current d. low voltage 

19. Solubility of acetylene is ______ acetone than in water. 

 a. less b. more c. same d. none of these 

20. Oxygen cylinder is painted in 

 a. black b. maroon c. red d. none of these 

21. A chemical reaction is said exothermic means 

 a. absorb heat b. liberate heat c. no heat d. none of these 

22. Specific gravity of pure calcium carbide is – 

 a. 2.22 b.2.12 c. 2.02 d. 2.23 

23. In leftward welding the filler wire_____ blow pipe ? 

 a. leads b. follows c. a & b both d. none of these 

24. Excess acetylene produces 

 a. neutral b. oxidizing c. carburizing d. none of these 


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